Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Craft-Happy Goodness

Happy Wednesday! Today has been a good one out here in Oklahoma, despite those ever-present oppressive temperatures. Took Sadie to chick-fil-a for lunch, and then we headed over to the playground, where I met up with the ladies from the meetup group. It's great to have some adult conversation while the kiddos play.

After the playground, I decided to go to Hobby Lobby. I can always find something new to get into when I visit that store. Sadie cooperated beautifully and I was able to get all the supplies I needed to make the subject of today's post, which brings me to it. Drum roll please....

Yep, I made a Halloween wreath. I realize it's still August for one more day, but Mama gets bored. Also, I have Halloween fever! It was fairly easy to do, and it didn't cost much. Cost breaks down thusly:

Orange ribbon/Black gingham ribbon: $3.99, 50% off
Wreath form: $4.99
Black Tulle: $2.99, 50% off
Wooden Jack O'lantern: 99 cents for a pack of 3
Orange Paint (outdoor paint, small bottle) $1.50
Gold Glitter: $2.50 
Paint brush set: $3.99
Orange polka-dot ribbon: FREE! (Already had it at home.)

Total with tax came to $17.47. Not bad if you ask me! That's why I love Hobby Lobby, they always have great sales. Anyway, back to the task at hand.

First thing I did was paint our friend the jack o'lantern. I used outdoor acrylic paint. I believe the brand name was Patio Paint. I chose the shade of orange aptly named "pumpkin." I applied two coats, and while it was still wet I added the glitter. I set it aside to dry while I worked on the wreath.

Next, I wrapped the wide orange ribbon around the wreath form, leaving space between wraps for the next color of ribbon. I used fabric glue to secure it, but hot glue would really have been better. (I would've used my hot glue gun, if a certain two-year-old I know hadn't decided to hide the glue sticks from me!)

After wrapping the orange ribbon, I wrapped the black gingham ribbon. On top of the gingham, I wrapped the polka dot ribbon. The ribbon wrapping process was painstaking to say the least, and my shoulders are hating me right now for making me do it. Just a fair warning!

After I had all the ribbon on the wreath, I tied on the tulle. I cut the tulle into strips, folded them, then tied them in a basic knot. That was the easy part.

All that's left for me to do now is glue on the jack o'lantern. I will have to wait until I go back to the store for more hot glue sticks to finish, but I'm pretty pleased with how this turned out. I still might trim the tulle down a little bit, and add a few more strips for better spacing. All told, this project took about 2 and a half hours of uninterrupted work. (Thank goodness for Nick jr!) 

Until next time, hope you have a great afternoon! Hope I've inspired you to make something too.

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