Sunday, September 4, 2011

Oh Happy Day!

It's a quarter till ten o'clock on a Sunday morning, and I am feeling as bright and chipper as can be! Why you ask? Because I didn't wake up with laser beams of sunlight in my face, and I actually had to turn off the a/c! It's overcast and chilly this morning, and our high is only 86. That's a 20 degree difference from what our highs have been averaging!

This weather is putting me in a Fall mood. I have a recipe for some crockpot baked apples, but since I just made crockpot ribs yesterday, I'm not sure I want to mess with it again today. I do want to get outside though. Poor Sadie hasn't been able to play outdoors much at all this summer. If it doesn't rain, maybe we'll take her to the park.

Today would be perfect for a drive out to the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge to look at the buffalo and longhorns,'s on fire. The news says it's 100% contained but I'm sure there is smoke everywhere. Maybe we'll drive out there anyway, just to get out of this house. We can keep the windows rolled up! Haha.

I know today's post was a little rambling and boring, but I feel guilty for not posting more regularly. Maybe I will have some more interesting things to say this week since the weather is much better for the time being.  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. OMG! This cooler weather feels awesome! We drank our coffee on the porch this morning :) I'm this close to putting out our fall stuffs.

  2. Yay for cooler weather! We should do a play date some time!
